mystic_forest.xm (mystic_forest.xm)
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"Mystic Forest" Tracked and Composed by KnutzZz This is the first mod I've made that I'm fairly pleased with It's a little short bu I couldn't come up with anything more. Samples were ripped from various artists * Playing time: 1:30 * Patterns: 11 * Tracked in 2 hours GreetZ go to: * D-RuD * LioZ * KeBaB * The peple I ripped samples from =) * Purple Motion * Elwood * Lizard King * Skaven * all other composers who rule....... If you have any comments or just like mod, you can e-mail me: (c) KnutzZz 1996 My own sample(!) A GUS .pat file :-) Created with 1) FastTracker 2) A Lot of Patience 3) And the Right mouse button But the Birds cried... +++ basehead / fm ++ scopes -- INSANE!
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