trip to Goaland (trip_to_goaland.xm)
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.Track by [DAC] .Radical Rhythms .Traxx .SuperiorArtCreations .HBE international .Yakuza .7:16 min penalty time .play da tune with FT2 .Greetings: (no order) .Keith303 .Cosmic .Ray .Ray .Roy .Cannibalito .Byte .Spoon .Raytrayca .Dr.Acid .Miraculix .Red Dragon .Chip & Chap .Buddha .meister Propers .mr.Tr-9o9 .mrs.Tb-3o3 .alle bunkerhotten .Tyger .Peter(optiker,e-werk) .der gute mann, aus .Kiel, der mir den .Flyer schicken wollte .wird auch recht .herzlich gegruesst! .ich hab deine nummer .verbummelt. .ruf mich mal zurueck. .track zu kurz, .da kein speicher mehr Andreas 'DAC' Behr Alfred-Randt-Str.18 12559 Berlin Germanistan ++49-3o-654-4922 .Wieso ruft mich kein .schwein an ? dac.16bitqlclosed.geil dac.16bitqlopen.geil dac.hardcorbassdrum-13 dac.9o916biclap dac.acidseq-32 dac.tb-3o3-13-2 dac.tb-3o3-13-3 Cosmic (16) BRhym-1/1 Cosmic (16) BRhym-1/2 dac.16bitsnarelong dac.overdosed-808base dac.acidlike-39-1 dac.acidlike-39-2 dac.acidlike-39-3 dac.acidlike-39-4 dac.rums.pseudobass k303.outface.speech dac.cymbal.wennseineis dac.9o9set.sbk dac.mutation-5 dac.Acidz1 dac.acidbass-1 dac.goaslide-4 dac.Gabbasma dac.le-high-string dac.A-S-PIA1 dac.emanuel.top2 dac.emanuel.top1 dac.Neosmas8.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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