våldtagen av en bb. (vldtagen_av_en_bb.xm)
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[ våldtagen ] [ av ] [ en ] [ brandbil ] by.. axl. he thinks. maybe?.. even wintermute. why?.. control. we are.. yes.. ... and gore? ofcourse.. firetrucks.. no path open eyes... why should we? closed ears.. o. yes. control.system sure. what? smashed brains. i en bordell i borås sitter en man utan mås på en stolpe i bonn sitter inte längre nån trallalala..a om du börjar gnola en visa, skall du se att du strax får en vän. Som vill sjunga för dig.... open your mind open your system close the control kill the insane AI sample your voice but dont get taken under control by the system very. o system control. indeed. we am. btw. i'll sue you for listening to this. controlled greets: wintermute, gore, all AI's on efnet: recc, fthr, wiz, you all.. you know. all.. dont copy multimedia
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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