Juno Moments (juno_moments.xm)
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"Juno Moments" By: DJ Psychad Finished: 23/8-97 Duration: 7:09 (c) Ville Koski & Alexander Koponen This is a total remix of CyberZip's "Golden Moments" The name of this mix comes from the fact that Juno-synths are dominating not only this song, but also my entire life and soon it has become a great part of CyberZip's too. "Werd!" goes out to: CyberZip Velociraptor Nitzer Vable JRook Oona (Penis of KFMF) Dharma Overdoze Jaffa Zedra Outshined Sonic Monz Maza Zillion all at Asm97 & #Trax ! OK! The story behind the original song and also this remix is pretty funny. It all started with a voice- rap-song I made as a joke for my friend Predator. Now this song ended with the fitting words: "One more time, uh!" That rapsong reached CyberZip's soundcard after a while and he liked those words. He asked me if he could use my voice in a serious project. I agreed of course, but only if he promised to use the original tone. He did so and soon he released "Golden Moment" which featured my original voice. In the release he refered to me as "DJ Psychad" instead of Psychad. Now something unexpected happened. "Golden Moments" grew more popular than both he and I could imagine and very soon people greeted me as "DJ Psychad" instead (stop it please :>). CyberZip never under- stood why and I really didn't understand it cause I wasn't so fond of the song from the beginning. Anyway, he wanted an answer and I got the assignment to figure out the secret behind the song. Many hours of listening and meditation followed and soon enough I learned to like the song a lot. Since I didn't like the original samples I experimented a little and changed the samples. Soon I started on experimen- ting with the patterns and the tracking and it didn't take long before I decided to make a whole remix as a contribution from me as a fan of "Golden Moments". It took me at least 2 months to work on this project and it may be an exp- lanation why I haven't released anything lately, who knows. :) Anyway, I'm a conver- ted fan!!! I love this song now (or at least my mix :>). So I would like to dedicate this mix to the fans and I hope more will follow my example of mixing this song and we could perhaps make a remix- disk. :D If you wonder I can tell you that 2 remixes have already been released beside the original. Stay cool, elite and all that stuff !!! ********************** * * * ASSEMBLY 97 RULED! * * * ********************** Closed Hihat Sampled by cyberzip.tidal Rimshot Sampled by cyberzip.tidal Techno Bassdrum Sampled by cyberzip.tidal Techno Hihat Sampled by cyberzip.tidal Crash Cymbal Techno Snare Sampled by cyberzip.tidal JUNO8.WAV Swosch Bass Sampled by cyberzip.tidal KorgPad1 From the SF2bank "Pads". Vibra Bell Soundwave Sample-Collection JUNO12.WAV Juno Bass Hit fr. Purple M. JUNO16.WAV Juno 106 FilterSweep by Humanoid Morbid Minds FILTER2.WAV cyberzip.tidal FILTER2.WAV cyberzip.tidal FILTER2.WAV cyberzip.tidal FILTER2.WAV cyberzip.tidal FILTER2.WAV cyberzip.tidal JUNO10.WAV Blast 4 - Rifle Tom 3 - Real "One" - DJ Psychad Used with permission. "Mo'" - DJ Psychad Used with permission. "Time" - DJ Psychad Used with permission. "Uh!" - DJ Psychad Used with permission. ST0T3S3.WAV
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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