ThePartTimeJazzBand (the_part_time_jazz_band.xm)
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It-Alien proudly presents The Part Time Jazz Band This song is some kind of joke, anyway it has a second title: ----> "If ClaudioDellaCorte has never studied to play his 'jazzshit', why have I to study to compose it?" >:) However this song had to be in Mekka '97 compo, but a great friend of mine (ok, I'll not say the name, let's say the nickname CDS/Deathstar >:D ) forgot to give my disk to the organization... Now, tha's it, in its unchanged majesty. >:DDDDD It-Alien contacts: (tilde)napodano 10x: CDS, obviously. >8D Do I hate Jazz?? Hmmm...nah... I hate CLAUDIO DELLA CORTE (and his C.D.C. Band) Yes... Just another It-Alien's Drumkit Crash4.smp Claves10.smp Snare41.smp smp 0 by fby XI by It-Alien Slapbas6.smp Tamtam26.smp
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