Mixed Frases (mixed_frases.xm)
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---------------------- "Mixed Frases" ---------------------- Composed & Arranged ~~~~~~~ ~by Laxity (Maniacs of Noise) ---------------------- ---------------------- Grrrreeting to : ---------------------- Thomas & Jeroen Olla & Soeren Youth / Heatwave Kim Jensen Jogier Liljedahl Einar Ingebregtsen Mitch / Crest Gargoyle / Polka Karsten at Funcom Karsten at BullFrog Jon & Dennis at Funcom Jones (?) Scortia All the guys in fUdGe (Twice) (Trice) (Shit, you should've been first :)) ---------------------- And all fans of MoN ---------------------- ---------------------- All rights reserved (C) 1997 Lax/MoN ---------------------- Unauthorized use is probited ---------------------- *** ---------------------- Signed, Laxity 31st of December 1997 ---------------------- Email Laxity at : -------------------- thoege_ udd.aardassem.dk Playing time : 4:12 --------------------- Best heard with SB16 in FT2.08 using 16-bit inter- polated mixing, or GUS max. Maniacs of Noise Are : ---------------------- WAVE, Drax & Laxity And all the others of Heatwave too. Kill me if I spelled it wrong :) (!)
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