"Red on the Road" (red_on_the_road.xm)
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---------------------- "Red on the Road" ---------------------- Composed & Arranged by Laxity of Vibrants (Thomas E. Petersen) ---------------------- -----> NOTE <------- ~ This music material ~~ is registered, and ~may not be used for commercial purposes without written authorization from the composer / arranger. ---------------------- Greetings to ---------------------- Drax, JCH, JO & Metal Analogue Jeroen 'WAVE' Tel Gargoyle / Polka Bros The Heatwave boyz Jason & Adept/DiMaga Jogeir Liljedahl Mystical Rambones, Wizz & Kaze Scortia OLE / Softgold Martin/Funcom Ireland SMATSOEN / Softgold Jones / Funcom Oslo Dennis / Funcom Oslo Jon / Funcom Oslo Jesper / Bullfrog Geir Tjela/Funcom Oslo ---------------------- Who forgot to hear the music in Dragonheart ? ---------------------- Loves to : Kristina, my muse! Henriette, Matt and Elise! ---------------------- Signed, Laxity 10th of May 1997 --------------------- Yo Ole! Thanks for the cool hard'n'software! I owe you a BIG one! ---------------------- Drax : You're gonna luve this one! thank you for a lot of inspiring tunes! There's no point in telling you to keep up the good work, since ~ I'm sure you will ! ;) ---------------------- Email : ---------------------- Laxity vibrants_post4.tele.dk Prefered Playback: *>GUS<* or SB16 with 16 bit mixing+Interpolation Playing time 3:37 Man, It's been a long time since I made a happy tune! A regular driving car tune! My email is at the end of the Credits Members of Vibrants
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Nice instruments and good melody. I like this funky music by Laxity. This music makes fun.