Static II (static_ii.xm)
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--------------------- "Static II" ---------------------- Composed & Arranged ~~~ by [ Thomas E. Petersen ] (Laxity of Vibrants) ---------------------- ---------------------- Greetings to : ---------------------- [Thomas Mogensen ] Jens-Christian Huus Jesper Olsen Torben Hansen Morten SK (?) [Jeroen Tel ] ~~ [Ole Mogensen ] ~ Michel DeBree ~~~~~~ Mitch ~~~~~~Fudge ~[Razz Lorentzen ] ~~~~~~~Tony ~~ Whatsyourname ~~~~~ Etc. etc. ---------------------- Drax and Laxity are also members of ~~Maniacs of Noise --------------------- ~~~ Signed, Laxity ~~24th of June 1998 ---------------------- Email me at : ---------------------- [~~~~~thoege_~~~~~~] [~ ] ---------------------- Playing time : 3:50 ------------------- Optimal playback ~ obtained with FT2.07, using SB16 16bit interpolated mixing or GUS max. Vibrants members : -------------------- ~~Drax, JCH, JO ~~Laxity, Metal ~~~~~ & MSK
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