thepardyisover (thepardyisover.xm)
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FUCK DA BANK! 7:I9 ' thepardyisover' -- - -- -- - - ---- -- (k)omposed & arranged by LoOlarge '1997 -- - --- - ---- - ---- 128fuckinBPM 7:19phuckinplayintime fuckyadamnsukkers talkindirtyboutmedrive lonmyneckiwantokillsom ebodytheworldisfullofh ateyoudunnowhatbassise vilnessinmanrebreakmys oulandsuckmydick-edit. (c)opyright- Loolarge theoriginal. don't care about me - i don't care about u dirty-adultonly-fucked -bonuspattern at 3D -humans. a muthaphukin mistake so many words but not enough sense so many senses but not enough words playitloud!for mental destruction&violence u don't want my greez u don't need my greez u don't get mu greez fuck you fuck you normally i am not that agressive, but the people make me to what i am. Stoned Breakbeat 16Bit (Cosmic) BB&S12 cutten into peaces Stoned Breakbeat Stoned Breakbeat Stoned Breakbeat Stoned Breakbeat tomb 16Bit (Loolarge) Mistah Sticka 16Bit (Cosmic) Rhythm Snare 8Bit (Cosmic) Breakbeatpart1 8Bit (Cosmic) Breakbeatpart2 8Bit (Cosmic) Breakbeatpart3 8Bit (Cosmic) backwardphucka.loo 16Bit (Loolarge) thepardyisoverhaha 8Bit (Loolarge) 16Bit (Loolarge) 16Bit (Loolarge) antonio banderBASS 16Bit (Loolarge) ovadryve guitar 8 Bit (Loolarge) littil guitar 8 Bit (Loolarge) Typical Histring 16Bit (anywhere) Cymbal 8Bit (Loolarge) Standard BackBass 16Bit (Cosmic) C-4 ovadryve guitar II 8Bit (Loolarge) muthaphuckadrag 16Bit (Loolarge) eternaleguitarment 8Bit (Loolarge) itchy&scratchy01 8Bit (Loolarge) itchy&scratchy02 8Bit (Loolarge) guitarsnap 16Bit (Loolarge) brekkathru 16Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (Loolarge) 8Bit (?) typicalMOD
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