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Luk & Ghyll of Procreation PrEsEnts..... a music entry for Multichannel competition at A S S E M B L Y '98 CaLLeD " Empty Planet " PlAyIng TimE... 3:00. SoMeDay... tHeRe will Be No Humans around .... no AniMaLs or Even plants.... nO aNytHing whIcH LiVed On ThaT BeaUtiFulL PlaNeT CaLlEd EaRth...... TheRe WiLL be oNlY ThE SoUnd Of Our CrEAtiONs..... CoMpuTerS AnD other MaChInEs... ThEy WilL RuLe ThE EnTiRe PlAnEt... UniVErSe... or Even MorE... So Whatch OUT for YOur PC....... MaYbE it Will Kill you in SoMe moony NiGhT. -------------------- Some synthetic samples by me..... some from other musicians..like: Lizardking,KeyG, Falcon,Antom,Skaven, Mortimer,Scorpik... & others.. Sorry & thanks..... -------------------- Greetings go to: (in randomized order) Dominika,Nina,Rem, Falcon,KeyG,Scorpik, Raiden,PaYda,SiMon K. Bartes,Orion,Avran, Clifford M. ZyDeL, Astharoth,Vastator, Beta,Ghyll,Silver, Headsoft,MrGod,LSD, Unreal,eXTenD,SPY, Yoghurt(kefir),Weed, Basehead,Dune,Necros, Gandalf,Muzz,Phantom, Infinite,Holydrake, X-man,Orome,Optic, no12,Sir Fux,Mirec, JDC, & other i forgot to mention..... from Headsoft Software, #coders,#trax,#pixel, #demoscene....... -------------------- Contact: E-mail: luk_chemnet.com.pl snail-mail: Lukasz Stasinski Z.nalkowskiej 6/15 85-866 Bydgoszcz P o l A n D -------------------- (c) Lukasz Stasinski --------------------- SuMmEr TimE ' 98 --------------------- lizardking 1. sample by LUK 2. sample by LUK 1 sample by LUK 2 sample by LUK 3 sample by LUK 4 sample by LUK 5 sample by LUK 6 sample by LUK Fall.pcm mortimer mortimer Antom 7 sample by LUK 8 sample by LUK
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