Dark Stomper.ma (dark_stomper.xm)
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dark stomper by maelcum of kosmic for the musicdisk a m b e r some of dem samples are from a track by dupont dupont.edithat tr9o9 filtered out the high freqeuncies dupont.edithat filtered out the high frequencies dupont.stomper tb3o3 sh-1o1 tr9o9 tr9o9 tr9o9 tr9o9 By Jazz/Pm&Scx tr8o8 snaredrum 16bit edit (cosmic) dupont.snare dupont.snare tr7o7 By Jazz/Pm&Scx By Jazz/Pm&Scx .backW_cymbal .unknown Pariah.909_kick. By Jazz/Pm&Scx HTADA.WAV LT3D0.WAV CSHD2.WAV PATCH PATCH PATCH PATCH dupont.edithat reverse dupont.stomper reverse bass tr9o9 reverse clap dupont.edithat reverse tr9o9 reverse hat
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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