Sunburst (sunburst.xm)
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'sunburst' - by malmen - of even, nuclear dawn dreamhack 2001 music tracker entry 2001 - 11 - 29 another little trancy tune.. probably my last tracked song ever.. anyway, party greetz to kalaspuff,nahojen, ronin,ossian,lemerok, cawi,yggjag,zeus04, krab,andman,anshi, bear,maya,angelike, tomaten,siigron, hydra,nils,oraclet, diesel & his girlie, murre,hottentott, zirr0, rotis, and the rest of ya. contact: web: open hihat HHCD0.WAV goopin.spaceclap by: archangel strings pad 1+2 mixed = surround space 909.snare CSHD4.WAV trancebeep (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' Cactus cymbalrev frequecy.noise.fx fx Filter Sweep Ebongo~1.wav Sidest~1.wav Space Swoop (DNA Trance) workbench _ workbench all my friends that _ gus patches Beam01.wav created by malmen Beam02.wav created by malmen Beam03.wav created by malmen Beam04.wav created by malmen Beam05.wav created by malmen Beam06.wav created by malmen Beam07.wav created by malmen Beam08.wav created by malmen Beam09.wav created by malmen Beam10.wav created by malmen Beam11.wav created by malmen Beam12.wav created by malmen Beam13.wav created by malmen Beam14.wav created by malmen Beam15.wav created by malmen Beam16.wav created by malmen
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I like it, I like it, I like it... I like it!