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The Seventh Sun (the_seventh_sun.xm)

Info Summary

  • the_seventh_sun.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.69MB in size and has been downloaded 161 times since Wed 8th Jun 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 144924
  • Downloads: 161
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: c8c8f9e5477a287d8823806f55c73ea0
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.69MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

    The Seventh Sun

Composed by
Manga of Unlight
In February 10th, 1999

_1999 Vicente Celino
All Rights Reserved
This is my 2nd techno-
demo song, completely
finished in almost 9
hours. It was composed
in haste, cause I'll
drop again to the Air
Force Academy next
week, returning back
to trax world in the
end of the year. Some
little errors will
certainly appear in
this one, just ignore
them, as hurry is THE
enemy of perfection.

Hellos & goodbyes to:
- Novus
- Awesome
- Metade
- Razel

I'll surely miss you,
And, to everybody,
A happy Carnival
A happy Daddy's Day
A happy birthday
A happy Easter
A happy Children's Day
A happy X-mas
And wait for my return
~~~ Seventh
|By |Manga
In February 10th, 1999

_1999 Vicente Celino
Don't use this song
in any type of public
distribution without
my consense.


All Right Reserved
Audio Masters is over.
For some reason, NONE
of its components was
treating A.M. as home
group. So I decided to
create my lone group,
called Unlight.

Instruments from:
.Awesome: 1,3,5,7,A,E,
.Maz: 8,9,11
.greatFox: 2
.Lizardking: D
.Necros: 10
.Stalker: 15
.pub/music: 4,B,16
.Radix: 2F
.Me (Manga): C,12,1A

Thanx to everyone!

And, sorry.
I know I don't belong
to techno beach.

"I'd like to see the
people who criticize
technology living just
an year without
freezer, car or

Vicente Celino
"Eu gostaria de ver as
pessoas que criticam
a tecnologia viverem
um ano sem geladeira,
sem automovel e sem

Vicente Celino

Novus guy, you
certainly helped me
MUCH to improve
my music. You're a
great person, really
a friend of mine. I'll
always remember
you, my friend.
I must thank you a
LOT, cause you're
the base for all my
music (including
samples, including).
Muchas gracias, pal.
You're really the
Valeu, bro! Nossa
musica (a do violao)
ta' cheia de bugs,
final do ano ela sai,
Ate' mais, amigo.
Vou sentir falta da
gente e "Chamada
a Cobrar"...
Meu velho, voce
so' precisa ouvir
mais tracks de ou-
tros. Ouvi quase
todas as suas musi-
cas e todas elas
pedem samples e
melodias novas.
Mas voce tem o
dom, man, e poucos
tem isso. Um abraco
e felicidades este
ano para voce!

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
