matrix_my redeemer (my_redeemer.xm)
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"my redeemer" version beta by matrix of sanction Thank You, Lord there is no greater Love than to give your life for a friend that's what You did on the Cross which is foolishness in terms of human wisdom but salvation to those who believe Questions? Contact me Thanks for listening! for playback, please use FT2 only! mwave.zenbass bass (groove) snare (groove) HiHat closed (groove) HiHatOpen&Basskick (groove) BassDrum (groove) Timpani (GUS-Patch) CrashCymbal (GUS-Patch) CongaHi1 (GUS Patch) CongaHi2 (GUS Patch) CongaLo (GUS Patch) piano (groove) Leadwave (Lizardking) thunder (Lizardking) ChoirPad
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