"moonscaping" (mav) (moonscaping_mav.xm)
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1997 (c) .. maverick (bmp.advance.twist) m o o n s c a p i n g proudly released for A D V A N C E dreamscape 1 - "the dark side of the moon" this is it! : my first attempt at some goa/ psychedelic trance ... turned out pretty well I think ... definetly one of my better trekx at least! .. Hope you you like it as much as I do :] .. e n j o y t r a c k i n f o z style .. psyche trance working ..... +-14 hrz equipment .... gus max channels ..... the max bpm .............. 150 released 4 ... advance scaping for 6:45 respect goes out to: - the other advancers - the bmp crew - the twist crew - all musicians on the entire planet - $hinigami & eSheR listen to the WHOLE freaking musicdisk! it is worth it, really .. inspired greatly by da music of matrix cubed (your music is great!) the hihat-sequence was partially taken from one of cosmic's tunes (hope you don't mind) a final poem by my great friend $hinigami (thanx alot dewd!!) .. m o o n s c a p i n g The hollow surface the craters and creeks they blend in shapes and transform thy mind scapes of new ideas of theories and dreams blending each other and creating this life shades of darkness motions of knowledge scaping on the surface drifting underneath the fact is mysterious we are only human but the uncontrollable is the music we listen geneva.. april 12 1997 copyright - maverick97 _ Cosmic _ Keith303 _ Nyarlothotep~~ _ Karl tr909.cymbal.ride tr909.clash.hat _ Karl tr909.cymbal.crash _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu _ Kenzu
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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