" crying soul " (crying_soul.xm)
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Posted by BtMe on Sat 19th Jun 2010, rated 7 / 10.
This does start off very well lovely piano and the nice strings just add's depth to the overall feeling.It's one of those tracks that on the first few plays it does capture you and brings you inside.Overall it's a good track nice intro the end was a of a let down some of the samples also bring it down still worth a listen and or Dl ..
This does start off very well lovely piano and the nice strings just add's depth to the overall feeling.It's one of those tracks that on the first few plays it does capture you and brings you inside.Overall it's a good track nice intro the end was a of a let down some of the samples also bring it down still worth a listen and or Dl ..
Posted by Arne Puszelski on Fri 18th Jun 2010, rated 7 / 10.
Nice and melodic piano ballad in a pretty sad way. Not bad - very enjoyable.
Nice and melodic piano ballad in a pretty sad way. Not bad - very enjoyable.
Internal Texts *
" crying soul " shielded eyes covering the pain, naked teardrops drowning in the rain. nothing left but sorrow, broken world and lonely tears. it is cold, so cold... stormy coldness wounding my heart, if only you were here, reflecting the past... piano&str s piano&str l piano&str m piano&str h (reverb) lowstring oboe oboe.bright
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I don't know which is the reason why a valuation a little more short of what it deserves, taking into account, that only used 16 channels. The theme is very good and not very common, so I give you a 10.