In Your Loving Arms (in_your_loving_arms.xm)
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"In Your Loving Arms" by MethoD vocals by: Ulrike Strumpfhose (yeah, it is an alias) gawd, this track is 1 commercial bitch!!! I made da music, using samples from Cosmic Trance, in 1 afternoon then a 'good friend', who wants to stay an- nonymous, did the vo- cals for me. Sorry for the bad quality in the vocals, but I had to resample them BIGtime, cos the track didn't fit in my GUSmem.. ;-( (The original track is 5,2 megs) Maybe i'll release an MP3 version later, with the 16bit 44100hz vocals. MethoD signing off (c) 1998 Trinity _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ MethoD _ CosmicTrance _ MethoD _ CosmicTrance _ Roland ;-)) _ Paul van Dijk _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance _ CosmicTrance DOE DE..DE DEDE DEUR D..D..DICHT! H...H...HET TOCHT HIER (EN DAAR)!! ik ben niet gek ik ben een banaan _ CosmicTrance _ MethoD _ MethoD _ MethoD _ MethoD
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