"When the night..." (when_the_night.xm)
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Composed by: MiCa 99-10-28 Gbg SWEDEN ****************** -------------------- This one is dedicated to the most beatiful woman in the world... I miss you... -------------------- Many thanks to: Hallon97 The Druid United Tackers Trax in space Andreas Viklund Artificial Int. Krazy KuKu Awesome and everybody else that have listened to my music and send me their opinion! Thank you all! Yepp, maby you heared it before? This song is actually a quite old one. It was first finised last autumn (98-11-something) and it reminds me of Spice Girls "Viva for ever" or something But I made this song before I ever heared Spice Girls song. So.. I let it live. The old version were also 5 minutes long. That's just TO LONG! I've made it shorter and more interesting, I think. You better hear it yourself! I hope you'll like it anyway, even if it reminds you of Sporty Spice, Mel B, C, E, F or whatever they are. Please mail me if you want! micabox_hotmail.com ------------------- "When the night falls" Style: Ballad Time: 00:03:35 See ya! :-) _ 1999 Mikael Carlsson T.T.P Productions Night.wav
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