Myth of Orion (myth_of_orion.xm)
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-= Myth of Orion =- (4'08") ---------------------- Composed & Tracked by Mobius / ie ---------------------- Wow! This is my very first good-enough song so now I can release it. Of course, it is not a perfect one, but I'm satisfied with this song and I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks for listening, =) ---------------------- Greets fly to... - My friends at Impossible Entertainment: Dudu, Neres, Eminh & Nagash. - All the people at #modulez in the IRC Hispano: BreakSound Yero, Herotyc, Sole Likuid, Stork and the rest of them. - Regards to Wonder: he won a lot of music competitions at the Euskal Party this year. - A lot of thanks to Awesome: most of the samples are from him. Please, keep tracking: we all enjoy your music. - Hiz to Alfonso: we are composing music toghether and I learned some music with him. Thanks, folk. ---------------------- FastTracker will never die!!! So... keep tracking, guys. ---------------------- | mobius | Harp1 Harp2 Harp3 sampled by me SnareRoll Orch.Snare Orch.Bs.Dr. CrashCymbal drum kit by BMax Soft Shaker by Awesome Great Timbal by Lizardking Big Crescendo Cymbal by Awesome Ride Cymbal by Awesome Strong Bass Strings by Awesome Echoed Snare by Awesome maybe Ocarina? by Awesome Fancy Bells by Awesome High Roll by Awesome
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