Flying so much high (flying_so_much_high.xm)
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To fly... possible... ...when... want... fly... much... ...high! Monaco's - 1997 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ "Flying so much high" written and performed by Monaco's exclusive for PC96 -_-_-=[theEnd PC]=-_-_ - !!!WARNING!!! - This music only plays in FT2 (FastTRacker 2) sorry, but it uses one effect that doesn't work in ANY player made until now (01/97) - greets - f0x, sm, sledge, vd, bv, emage, thd, lk, fremen, doc, hc, lag, lady, ayatola, dan and other cool friends! - notes - This music uses a pre- made basis that uses very low frequencies. If your sound system doesn't play sub freq. (10 - 80hz) you will not hear it at all :) - copyright - This tune is copyright 1997 by theEnd prod. Both basis were sample from Enigma album "Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!" Other samples were ripped from other cool musician tho :) - bye - well,that's it. I hope you enjoy the tune - theEnd! :) - Huge String 2 Huge String 1 NoName
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