Unheard (unheard.xm)
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Monz / Sonic Kingdom -- ------- -- presents 'Unheard' 23. March 1998 yea yea, i know this isnt a very long tune... but what the hell, released it anyway! most of the percusion is my own samples, except for the cymbal wich is from AKA acoustic bass from a samplepack by Hussam Eassa the pad (sample 0B) is from some pad-pack the raw analogue string (sample 0C) is from one of Sonic's tunes... the lead in sample 0F is from 4ts sample page and the other lead is from a tune by Drax turn page for greetz ill just greet the usual ones... but people who deserve to be mentioned must b the sonic kingdom dudes and the swizz pain makers comments to: monz_bigfoot.com download stuff from: monz.simplenet.com
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