weredoestheroadend (where_does_the_road_end.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 7th Jul 2014
The Good StuffSummary
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were does the road end by. mr smile in 1998 style. goja trams time. 17:07 done the 16:th of may empty space some more " were does the road end you wonder " " you have been walking for ages " " you want to stop but you know you must go on " " you see a light " " what could it be " " you open your eyes and what do you see " " nothing ... " " live like a smiley " " be happy " my mail. mr.smile_cyberdude.com _=at my page. http://mrsmile. home.ml.org bye for now . . . _ ??? _ matrix cubed _ dynamix _ matrix cubed .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. .707pak.on.internet. _ mr smile from - smorphi 3.0 _ mr smile from - smorphi 3.0 _ mr smile from - smorphi 3.0 _ ??? _ ??? _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ aka _ ??? _ doth _ bandido _ mr smile from - stomper .kosmic.pak. _ dynamix _ mr smile from - stomper _ mellow-d _ maza _ ??? _ dynamix _ ??? _ ??? _ ??? _ ??? _ ??? _ ??? _ ??? _ ???
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For a track that does run for 17 mins then some where in there is a tune :) this is one mega mix of different styles from slow to a nice faster beat mixed in with synths and other sound fx's. overall 17 mins is way to long and that is the down side to this module there is no real melody to keep your interest which is a pity coz there are some nice parts the intro voices are one example the nich fast beats ect i did download this track so i could play it with MPT did not want to scare J-mod :P by playing 17 mins of music . how to rate a track like this not to easy some parts are nice as said BUT the start is just vocals with no beat for a good 4 mins ish and when the beat gets going it does pick up,like the part with the beat,one very dark and moody track at the start and a dance/trance middle and end if you have a spare 17 mins then dl or use jmod .....