thong bong (thong_bong.xm)
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david "nagz" halmi 2003 jan 19, hungary made for flagpole #2 invitation demo. completely made in 100 minutes. some samples were made in buzz by myself (fsm infector and rectal anarchy) plus stolen and/or edited many sounds from trajic's cd. it's using 16 tracks, and they're doubled for the better performance:> dedicated to kcg and trx of the digicam nightlife maffia:> heavily inspirated by wagon christ. he is a genius:> [end of sampledata ] contact: uin: #104461969 email: irc: IRCNET #demoscene as "nagz" haven't sung this time... take care! nagz nagz nagz nagz nagz nagz monz trajic nagz nagz nagz trajic trajic trajic assign madhatter&deepflow maza nagz nagz nagz nagz nagz trajic knuddel vigilante vigilante vigilante vigilante vigilante
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