, writhing ' (writhing.xm)
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nagz |qqq-2ooo hungary languagelab release samples are outside lotof them are stolen sorry..... and 8bit.. brrrrrrr vexation? smoke a joint feel the daemon ,dark triphop' from the ruins ft2 recommended for da orgasm more than 5 minutes more than 2 megs more than a music it's a feeling feeling of sin beside our days........ 1998-1999-2000 a good old music=) i forgot to write it more many times ll.planet-d.net ;nagzrm243_hotmail.com ;nagz_freemail.hu ;nagz_umszki.hu ;nagz_scene-hu.com meglazult akkordsag szemoldokkirancigalas eueeeee gestapo kopog pirospottyos labda valami effektbazmeg leesett a.. nemtom eieeeee horror megy a tv-be eeeee melodizet mond a bacsi eiiiii bugos trabi dudal euuuuu a faszi ugat valamit trabiduda ie..... ue..... bogo peng,es ugymarad beleszufla az uvegbe tiszta oldskool hanxer ez is. odabasz ezerral sbpro feeling kommersz cimbal polka endfade hatasvadasz vaker hude kurvanagy villam! itt kuss van kuksolunk a gephazban lezuhant a cintanyer lemez pattog,mer az jo onkielegult bacsi mond ezek meg enekelnek itt c5-on ebresztooraszeru klise! dj megnyomta a gombot na erre nemtok irni homokzsakot lebasszak bottal verik az ajtot cybertucsok ne jatssz a lemezzel! (I never use drugs especially not for musician acce- lerations. There are 2 perfect drugs: the music & the sex. Now i choose the music:)) ..(c) David Halmi.. kjwise matrix cubed edit: nagz ? ? ? ? edit: nagz blue max edit: nagz ? edit: nagz ? edit: nagz nightlong ? edit: nagz edit: nagz carlos madhatter dreamfish dreamfish keith303 ? ? nightlong nagz skaven ? ? sampled.by.dac ? ? ? ? ? shad ? madhatter ? ?
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