Ambient][Nick'96/'97 (ambient-gamma_mix.xm)
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BritePiano SoundTrack MarcatoStrings StarTrack EchoVox ~+--~---~----- ~+-~~~+~~~+~+~ & ~+~~~~+~~----- =~~--~~+~~+~~--~~= =~+~~~~+~~+~+~~~~= =~+~-+~+~~+~~--~~= =~+~~+~+~~+~~~~+~= =~~--~~~--~~~--~~= Sweeper \Rulez SynthBass RaveDrum16-bit OpenHihat NoiselyDrum C/O HihatHigh CrashCymbal StChoir ---------------- Play Time: 00:02:18 ---------------- There were hot august days of summer 1996. I spent entire month to made this mix & I hope You like it. Original theme file is ambient2.mid file, but unfortunatly, I don't know author... Source of this MID is Russian CD-ROM with thousands of musics. And only this one I've noticed/converted for FT2 (by my program, called MID2XM), added some new sounds, pannings and so. It's a 'Gamma Mix' of this theme. - Thanks for listening Nick'96/'97 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~->> Middle of July, Year 1997... ~~~~~~------- Now on iNet! Email your comments to Coming soon: my New Prorave Synthesizer goes to web! Prorave is program to synth some interesting instruments and have windows-like GUI, but runs under DOS! Reqs: VESA,500kXMS> mouse,386+FPU, 200Kb total lenght & w'be... ...FREEWARE!!! So watch out! 1 2 3 4 5 6 st 1 2 st ev bb5 digeff/Nick'97 sweeper synth_bass Drum0002.snd Synthesed by Nick'96/Russia FT2 & GUS Rulez! Let's be !!!RAVE!!! Recipe: synth SIN with falling freq & volume, then use flanger effect :-} SNARE1 OHH1 p_d2 m 1 About'97.txt
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