Orchestra <RMX>'98 (orchestra_98.xm)
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.violine?!string... .contrabass .nothing ;) .acid .base .hihat .hihat.tik .hihatslide .synthi.trance .bass.selfmade .909clap .crash .snare .choirstring .choir"tik" ----sOnG---InFo:---- (p)1998 by the... . ...Lost Patrol... . ----====<->====---- cOmpOsEd by /\/ick tiTle: Orchestra'98 StYlE: acid/trance DuRatIoN: 6:o0(realy) ----====<->====---- gReEtz flY OuT tO: Joe,TMC,Rp2,DJ_D, The_Slayer,Fantasie, [DB]MAGIC,DJ Fantasy, Pretender,icecep, all membaz of efr, Mndsc. Onair(ex-ATN),TSEC, AI.CREW, Confussion, asu, melcom, cliver.. (hmm i'm to lazy to keep on typing ;) i'll quit know... ) and all i've forgotten ----====<->====---- This Free Space looks shitty! ----====<->====---- comments as usal go 2: Lost.Patrol(a)gmx.net also visit our home: http://come.to/ lostpatrol Looks much betta know! ----====<->====---- ENDING MESSI: Hi yo out there! this is an RMX of a song i did about one year ago(avaible on the page) i think this is much betta i love the strings the beat.. and especialy the... ACIIIIDDDD!!!! (RB 338 rulez) sorry sample stolen from Dynamix... ---------------------- ./\/ick out see ya... probally here?: irc.germany.net:6667 #LostPatrol -----> #scene <----- ------>Nu ------>is ---->abba wirklich ---->schluB! ---->;) :D *G* -DeR---SchluBstrich--- (nein athur nicht das was du denkst) stolen somewhere as 1 _ Dynamix .base i thing from asu.. too too donno.. donno sampled myself (Roland E-16) Instrument 58 odda so from a song by TMC donno from my HD.. Modified example wav from SF4.0 Taken from a song by TMC
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