White Dwarf by NORG (white_dwarf.xm)
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WHITE DWARF by NORG 01/11/1998 length: 3:55 member of the KKD url:http://surf.to/kkd e-mail:chrisvoigt_ hotmail.com 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/ Greetings to my *friends* White Dwarf was insp- ired by all the mill- ions of white dwarfs out there in space who don't receive any rec- cognition whatsoever for there work. *ahem* There has been some drama on the KKD site of late: one of billy the goat's brother's friends has been prov- iding porn links to my bulletin board. This is advice to that one very special person: STOP or you WILL be killed until you die from it. *and now, a special message from our spon- ors: Pumpernickel is back on the air! *what? *you'll see There is one very special girl out there with large breasts that i'm rather fond of (not to her face). *quiver quiver* *sniff <sigh>. aaah...if only she'd take her top off. If you think you know who she is tom then you are wrong, 'cause (to my knowledge) you've never met her. Deathmuffin: Commy was good, so why'd you have to go and ruin it with those other shit songs? Redpenguin: hi Billy: nice chat ses- sion. Hint to all those with icq:..find random chat partners and then abuse the hell out of them. Jesus James it takes alot of time and ener- to write one of these huge messages. *phewf* finally, my greeting list: all trackers i know Didn't I already have a greetings list? i just dunno. ****** ****** if you want to hear more great tunes then goto surf.to/kkd and download some more . Oh, yes...go to the SCHUTT B-Board. yes, that's right, your favourite radio station is on the internet with its own bulletin board. url: FLY.TO/SCHUTT SCHUTT POWER! /norg
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