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The Good StuffSummary
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" P o j a N " Done by Omega! Length: 3:26 14th September 1998 Contact me: icq: #3716108 mail: happaranda_hotmail.com This started out as a remix of Cyberzip's song Enlightenment, but it turnet out as a new song instead. Almost all the samples are from Enlightenment MoonPad Sampled by Monz HHCD2.WAV TR909 Hihat Crash21i.wav unknown ST0T7S7.WAV Space Pizzicato cyberzip.nebula Synth Lead House Snare cyberzip.nebula Swosch TR909 Ride _EnergyTrance Dance Bass 1 cyberzip.nebula Solo Lead cyberzip.nebula Bass Pad cyberzip.nebula ******************** *Name: Juice *Size: 307 kb *Type: 900 ***************** Sampled by GeNeSiS (c) by GeNeSiS http://w1.864.telia. com/*u86406812/ Samples/index.htm *= Wave sing left to Enter... genesis_stockholm .mail.telia.com Synth Lead Fairypad
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
i remember that email i registered at the time, visit http://www.omegamusic.se/ for more songs :)