untitled (pah_4th.xm)
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---------------------- Sad as U 2 by pahamoka ---------------------- 21.05.2001 (M.D.Y) My 4th song is finally finished! I had long break (10 month) between my 3rd & 4th tracks. I wouldn't hav finished this without sakamies. This is a very odd tune, so don't listen it, if yo don't like to blow your brains out. Greets: sakamies anti_cheater imagtrix matias ---------------------- reoca SpeCi & other fellows at TiS + everybody else I have forgotten. (C) pahamoka !musika ps. some samples ripped, so it's posibl that you hear some of your own samples in this song. pps. listen with headphones. yo! j00! blöh! buah! brööt! möäh! Biano! Biano! KOSH! Beat! Cheat! untitled ntitled ntitled Guitar Mutes Guitar Mutes Guitar Mutes Guitar Mutes Guitar Mutes Guitar Mutes Synth Vox Synth Vox Synth Vox untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
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