Frogs ! :-) (frogs_-.xm)
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FROGS ! written by PeDRo/CBR in November 1995 Frogs will reign! (c) 1995 Charlie Brown Records These little green creatures have always enlightened my fantasy Maybe it's because before being kissed by NAOMI I was a frog too We welcome our new member CALIGOLA May the STYLE be always with you... Feed me back at... Some samps taken from -basehead -virtual audio project -prodigy Samp 14 it's me!! :-) Greetings go to... Logos/CBR TruxX/CBR Guy/CBR Caligola/CBR Raymond (thr) Skyjump Team Crazy Teo Soh Chiara (my girlie) Santa Butter Zanna All da people I forgot Check our homepage at (tilde)stefand/welcome .htm Play with FT2, please. Playing time 4.22 Bd bh2.smp Hh bh2l.smp Hh bh3l.smp Hh bh2.smp Lowfreq4.smp Kk.raw Prodigy2.raw Prodigy7.raw Prodigy7.raw Claps1.raw Kb bh2.smp Dwump.raw Hh long5.raw e Vapa.smp 440finge.raw
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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