I Love You - Remix (i_love_you_remix.xm)
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"I Love You" Trance You Down Into Happier State Remix By: Psychad of Obvious Released: 19 Jan 1997 Duration 4:03 (c) Alexander Koponen Here! Enjoy one of the remixes of: "I Love You" The Original track was released by Psychad on his disk Calm. I would just like to say to you a small little thing while you listen to my tune... Please think over what love really is !!! Is it some exagurated feeling that 13-year old girls have, or something for both you and me ? Is it something yucky, or something really wonderful ? Is it to only be able to say "hello" to someone when you're drunk, or to walk up to a stranger in the subway and ask for a phonenumber right away ? Is love a blond, leggy supermodel 10 years older than you, or perhaps a local, qute person you see every day ? Is love someting we show to our friends, or something we only tell our mates ? Is love something to be shouted out on a public square, or to be hidden even from the one you want to live with, love with and die with ? Is it to share apart- ment with someone, or to correspond by letters with a person you've seen once, you touched once, but who now lives in a small city of Japan ? Is it to talk face to face in with someone, or to chat over IRC without jpg-trading ? Is love given back or not ? Is it happy or not ? Is it possible or not ? Is it legal or not ? ------ Whatever your situa- tion might be I'm sure that you got love in some way, that you show/need/want/have it in some way, even though you don't think so... ------ Hehe, ok, that were some important thoughts for you. =D I would like to send MY love to the follow- ing: CYBERZIP of TIDAL !!! velociraptor, erektor, moon, zedra, mikma, quik, d-day, predator, freako, playmate, obs, probe, martyn, lioz, d-rud, ann, lucy17, FadmLuhmanus, zanti, jointman, ob1, yeoman, magic mushroom, eliot, shadowdancer, splash, goaman, nitzer, codec, djkike, xilian, evade, equel, illmidus, one, zeotrope, maxxum, ube, overdoze, calimero, labworks, kotivalo, jrook, l-viz, titan, AND OBVIOUS !!!!! Filter By CyberZip String By Spiritseeker I Luve U By Psychad
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