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I Wanna Live With U (i_wanna_live_with_u.xm)

Info Summary

  • i_wanna_live_with_u.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.25MB in size and has been downloaded 227 times since Sun 20th Aug 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 148180
  • Downloads: 227
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: e51feec00cd6e9518957a19327ac71b1
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.25MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

 "I Wanna Live With U"
  _ October 24th 1999
      aka J.Kivekäs

duration:        8'58"
dedicated to the one I
wanna live with.

Sample sources:
- Phobium
- Jean 9 Samplepacks
- DBlue
- 909 Samplepack
- Wonderland
- Dynamix
- Troop
- Heretic
- Keith303

peace and love to :
        Dj Ozzo
I've tried so long to
evolve as a musician.
Too long. Last August
a decision was made. I
decided to quit
tracking permanently.
Too many nights
tracking crap no one
ever cared to listen
to. Too many
disappointments. The
depression was killing
me. Oh there was
nothing I wouldn't
have done to have some
success. Slowly the
passion that kept me
tracking died. The
dreams were gone.
Only thing left was
the pain. A month
passed by. Two, almost
three. I listened to
modules other people
had made. I heard a
lot of incredible
bullshit and a thought
began to stir in my
head; "Hey, I can do
better than those
fucks, maybe I'm not
the worst fucking
tracker in the world
after all..." And so
it began. Little by
little I tried to
revive my inspiration.
Without any luck.
Then, one day when I
almost had given up
hope again I came
across Jean Nines
samplepacks. I
listened to them. And
the fire inside me was
burning again. Not
brightly, but at least
it was burning. I made
some parts of this
tune. That night I was
pretty much satisfied
with my
accomplishment. And
the next morning I
wasn't. I felt like
shit about this tune.
I played some parts of
this to LoOMis. After
some positive feedback
I made some more.
Something felt odd. A
week or so later I
played some of this to
my girlie. Her
positive feedback got
me working hard again.
I modified the parts
she didn't like and
oh yeah, I was back on
the track again. A few
days later, today,
this tune is ready.
I should've been
reading maths. I don't
care. Maybe other
people don't like this
tune.I don't care. I
like this.I'll keep on
tracking. Forever.
follow your heart.

_ Psychedelic 1999
for tracked worx 2000!

tracking till the end.




jean nine


909 sample pack

_ wonderland
_ dynamix / dtn





_ troop / chiparus
_ heretic / dtn



_ dynamix / dtn

mixed tr909 snare
with partyanimals


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
