Every time again (every_time_again.xm)
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" Every time again" by Puffin / Musiczone Playing time: 3 : 03 This song is a test for me with what i would do with 22 or more channels. It's meant to play while having a good time with people you know verry good. We're all cool people _ Musiczone Productions 1996 Dordrecht / Holland tense piano sample by zodiak / cascada slow.string.patch sawwave.patch synbass.patch tech.rave sample by spleen / s!p cof sample by radical rhythms cof2 sample by zulu&grey/rebels... fat.rave.bassdrum sample by heretic / destiny open.hihat sample by cosmic / rr closed.hihat sample by cosmic / rr clap sample by cosmic / rr beatloop sample by heretic / destiny crash sample by cosmic / rr ac.guitar.patch Techno dunk
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