r.e.m. (r_e_m_rapid_eye_movement.xm)
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rapid eye movement by Rain of extreme music no animals were harmed during the making of this tune (although it sounds like it...) no animal f a t, just pure samples by me if you steal, c r e d i t me e me: rain_em_hotmail.com extreme music homesite at: http:// e-music .home .ml .org grez: Melanie, Hyp, Clay, CNS, Grawl, enRikee & Taina fuckings: HELLO and Codehead thx: Paula och Teemu supporting: The Ultimate Humppa Veikot and their upcoming anidemo Super Päärynä klank bom ziu äh kpokk xrt fiuu prööt keikaus prrrlllt räkä naps pum ding dong piu pali pau kop kop kop onko siel' joku unh jukupox eeeek pätkis zap kääk ryskis paukku bängä zgfrtlkhb use my addy... but DON'T nag about the ending. even i think it's too strange... Q:Mistä tietää, että kuka on Piiter Thoonton? nimim. I song best A:Vastauxesta Mäkkaiver. -MeRoistot heip. hyvää joulua. in dö day 16 of krismasmoon (c) extreme music 1997 karma loop 1 ambient hulina karma loop 2 weird hihat fx perc 1 fx perc 2 fx perc 3 fx perc 4 putki fx base drum fx wind tape choir sequence 1 choir sequence 2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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