Realm of dream (realm_of_dream.xm)
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"Realm of dream" by Rain / extreme usual... I was just counting... ...this is my 40th tune ever... ...have done music 4 lil' more than a year... ...samps: Lizardking, Vogue, Basehead, Elwood, Purple Motion, Torsten Gellrich, Nev and GUS... ...tune weight: 11.00 meters... ...special thanx 2 ==> &4aLL / extreme ...greetz 2 following people... Emissary, Clay, &4aLL, Mr.Bananahead, Päivi, Meritta, Vanni, Riikka, Jukka, Jartzu, Anssi (Oot muuten 3 markkaa mulle auki!), Five Musicians, Kosmic and Triton Prod.... ...dOj the Land... ...Realm of dream... have only one chance in your whole lifetime... USE IT! ---- Snail: Lasse Mattila Mäntyläntie 21 92260 Kopsa Finland Selaa vaan... Lopussa tissejä! (Kummeli 4ever!!!) Realm of dream Rn-realm.xm (C)omposed by Rain of extreme in eighth of Nowember 1996 Finland
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