PLEASE...BABY (please_baby.xm)
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PLEASE...BABY composed by Jan Harries (rambones) (c) 2000 nmioaon all rights reserved we can all feel happiness and joy we can all feel pain we can all be alone.. and feel the rain. This tune written to overcome myself, to do a pop-style tune and to try with a few profound lyrics. words sampled with "Say It!" I could probably not have done it any better myself.. :-) Some hellos to you: Warren Pilkington Jens-Christian Huus Jeroen Tel David Greiman Gabriele Priarone Karsten Petersen Ulf Harries Louise Aya Rasmussen Mark Cassidy Martin Husted Thomas Mogensen Thomas E. Petersen Jan Krolzig Andreas Varga Torben Hansen Nomatter where you are, nomatter what you do, and nomatter with whom you're together. You're on your own. E-mail(s): Do write! it matters. nmioaon website: /nmioaon sorry about the bad stereo-panning and lack of effects etc. but really, this gotta leave my disk now, or it never will! harmch1.wav 1999-09-03 start 2000-01-19 finish Playtime (3:09) pianost4.wav cdflute.wav harmch2.wav 909bd1.wav 909disoh.wav hit24.wav histb32.wav cdbass.wav chicks.wav harmch3.wav tiplow.wav ibreathe.wav riffguit.wav Oh.wav Baby.wav I.wav Love.wav You.wav Miss.wav Please.wav Me.wav So.wav Please2.wav Listen.wav To.wav Me.wav I2.wav Without.wav Am.wav Lost.wav You2.wav
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