Crazy Juice ! (crazy_juice.xm)
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--( MONO . 97 )-- - pResEntZ - ---------------------- - ! Crazy JuiCe ! - ---------------------- by rAmonE / Lp! mOno ---------------------- iLL dRumNbaSS ! Yeah...a Nu year, a nu fine group i joined aftEr sum chitchat wit hollywood on iRc... sO dA firSt hEEELLOOS go out to my new TeammateS in Mono... H e e e l l l o h o h AND my old and nu Teammate Mortimer! Ja Man...i left hOs 4 Low Profile...Join Today Lucas 8) And write a Goddamn letter !!!!! hehehe me too...uahh.. This shit is just the 1st of many mono releases in 97 ! BomB dA sceNe, dUdeS Next will be a stoopid ready or nut , reMiX cHeck it ! When we raise our trigger finger all ya fuckers hit the deck rN! - mOno Lp! uN jZ UNKNOWN SAMPLE Bongo2.iff go! (3 hours non stop Siren3.iff W-drumba.iff W-drum30.iff W-drum30.iff W-drum32.iff W-drum32.iff Juice2~1.iff
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