ossi^kennu (ossikennu.xm)
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ossi ^ kennu ═O╪ kennu ja ossi u ═O╪ on kaveleita u ═O╪ aika vekkuleita ika vekkuleita ossi rullar ita kennu rullar ta ennu rullar ta ennu rullar ta ennu rullar ta ennu rullar ta ossi pyorii ta kennu pyorii ta ennu pyorii ta ennu pyorii ta ennu pyorii ta ennu pyorii ta ennu pyorii ta tune by [rebb.tm!c] greez to reez to blaze^nah kolor marc^haujobb punisher^instinct adonis^digital ct dectech^avance ct and to forgotten ones studio location teemu pohjanlehto tiilitehtaanpk.11as4 sf-28120 pori finland respects to dune^orange marc^haujobb revisq^floppy
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Excellent use of effects, drums and "acid" leads! This is a powerful dance track (maybe a slow trance tune), very clean sounding and I can't get bored while listening, even for a module which doesn't feature several different melody structures ^^ Additionally, the rhythm is just catchy!