east enders (east_enders.xm)
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'east enders' by reed / damage finished 30th oct 99 this oughtta be my contribution to the dreamhack '99 multi- channel compo. i'd like to mention here that imho the 4 mb limit in modules sucks big time. with 4 mb, you can do songs like this one, which is mostly shit. no composing - just sampling. enormous samples and stuff. i hope the other partys don't follow dreamhack's example but stay within the 1 mb limit instead. thank you for your patience, crowd :-) want to contact reed? then e-mail me at reed_nic.fi compliments only :-) or visit my site at http://reed.cc.st for all my released tunes up to date. reed's scenehellos: temp.db.baldis.biotek. rzb.abd.bbb.vent.los. kod.solarc.muffler. damage & #suomiscene #amigascne, #thescene and ultimately andy/bp in the army... yoohoo. dis is reed signing out. dis is not da drum. listen to h. hancock. or just call it 95. tota siis hyvä jos ees pääsis kompoon ku on näin helvetisti samp- latty flc:tä. mutta toisaalta, dh on muutenki iha haemaerae joten bittu mä voitan reed (from fun lovin' criminals - 100% colombian) reed (from fun lovin' criminals - 100% colombian) reed (from fun lovin' criminals - 100% colombian) reed (from 'return of the headhunters') (by headhunters :-) muffler deck reed (from fun lovin' criminals - 100% colombian) armadon cs1x db db virgill virgill
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