RH!NO (rhno.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Retrograde composed by.. David Newman 21..5..97 brassedoff_hotmail.com hope you like this old style tunette! www.geocities.com/ SiliconValley/Pines /4518 eleckick elephant snare clapsnre kick drum guild hihat guild open hihat guild cymbal breeze lead 808snare big hall drum tanis bass softlong XWave.1 XWave.2 XWave.3 uk(01275)844758 BrassChord.Major BrassChord.Minor BrassChord.Sus4 VooDooHallGrunt BassGuitar.C BassLow.synth BassHi.1.synth BassHi.2.synth BassHi.3.synth bass1.th bass2.um Stomping On Elephantu By Purple Motion-FC-92 808SNARE.WAV Rip But It Was Worth I waveforms from: ob-xa,
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This sounds pretty demo-ish. I like the beat (especially the hi-hat ^^) and the AWESOME melodies! The samples are all 8-bit, but sound very good. The panning in this module is not perfect, but not too bad. This tune would be even cooler if it was a bit longer.