Warp World (HT) (warp_world.xm)
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-_________- # Warp World # \_/\_/\_/ by RibinaBJ for HellTrot This is a fairly short song, I got sick of it and just finished it. VERY repo, something Cactus would understand!!! Greetz: All at HellTrot! All at DMF NESSUSproject -SpArKy- Anybody I've forgotten And YOU. e-mail me at: ribina_hotmail.com Visit my webpage: http://www.fortunecity .com/tinpan/chemical/ 237/main.html Sorry about the size!! Made for the World Series by Cactus and me! (C) Copyright 1998 All Rights Reserved /RibinaBJ Warp World by RibinaBJ Why, oh why... He was my only son What, you still here ? Nooooooo........ \ / O O | / \ -<RibinaBJ>- -Insert biassed comment here- ^ |-| E |_|_T R () T ^
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