Psychomania (psychomania.xm)
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incommand bassdrum incommand snare grej intro wind you computer nice hihat wind you lead bassdrum techno bass hard one hihat clap snare dum da dum bombman dum rythm harmonics ube bass i wanna dance acidnoize leadsynth lill lead lazerzapp studs jocke boom rev hihat laxadtestlast spc1 spc2 spc3 spc4 flös spc5 spc6 cymbal bang feelyour nice hihat Dum16.smpmp Probazeu.smp Dum.smp Ubebas.smp Iwann16.smp A26-1.snd A54-3.snd Lazzer.smp A99-3.snd Boomlax.smp Revhi16.smp Testlast.smp A16-2.snd A16-3.snd A16-4.snd A16-8.snd Doomatm1.iff A16-6.snd A16-5.snd Cymbal.smp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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