Thunder - Episode 4 (thunder_-_episode_4.xm)
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--< The Thunder >-- ---< The Series >--- -->Episode 4 --->A Storm for Vicki ---------------------- by Sand Fox of Global 1 ---------------------- It's been a bad week- end... It started Friday when I did 4 hours overtime , got a bad headache, and found I had no money in the bank... I also found my car insurance premium - and can't afford to pay it. Did 5 hours overtime on Sat, as well as my usual 4 hours. Sunday, I worked all day as usual, then found out my HUGE electronics assignement has to be finished by Wed!! I haven't even started it yet... To make matters worse, I learned that Vicki - the girl who was the inspiration behind the whole Thunder series, and the first beautiful girl to smile at me for 3 years, has quit her job, which means I'll probably never see her again... So, Sunday eve, I sit down, with FT2 up, no inspiration, and a bunch of guitar samples that refuse to tune themselves... And this fucking headache hasen't gone away yet... Another paracetamol, I think.. Sometimes, it seems the only thing that still works is my trusty old compu!#%!^& 0#, $#1t... System Failure >_ ---------------------- About this song: Finished on: Mon 11th May '98 Written by: The Sand Fox of Global 1 Samples from: MAZ FT2 Instruments CD Build time: longer than it's worth... ---------------------- This song wasn't supposed to be part of the thunder - the series, but I couldn't be bothered to write a new melody... I dont usually do this type, and although its repetitive, I think it is a good way to re-enter this style after so many Global Dance projects... Look for more!! PS: You can play this song accoustic! You will need: 2 Acoustic Guitars 1 Bass Guitar 1 Acoustic drum kit 1 Violin player 1/2 Fluatists... although a keyboard in just about any of those positions would work okay... http://freespace. (c) 1998 Global 1 Music Only I don't know why I bother... steelaf steeldf steelgf steelbf steelef steelgf steelb steeld NoName Rain Elec. HHOD2 HHODA O5SNARE1.WAV DRUM1.WAV KICK2.WAV THUNDER.WAV JPSTRING.WAV 707_CRS.WAV 707_RID.WAV NoName
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