Dreaming (with you) (dreaming_with_you.xm)
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X-mas -98, I made the first version of this track. I liked it but it was short and a bit boring so I made this version. Remixed and Extended with new samples. Just as the last time I remixed one of my trax, the 'remix' is far much better then the first version. My last remix was of Fading Memories and the remixed version got the name 'Lost In a Fantasy' One of my first really good ones :) It took me about three days to complete this one. If you Like this one, I'm sure u'll really some other trax I've made, located at t.MA They are: Iloveu.xm, Eye2eye.xm, sdmfar.xm They have some of the sound this one has, atleast some of it... And something else... Don't just judge a cos of it's grade, listen and decide for u self if u like it or not.. like... sdmhappy.xm.. listen to it too, it aint that bad, even if it only got 5 out of 10 at the ModArchive.. To be released soon: After World War 3 (ww3.xm) It's a song made in colaberation between me and an other tracker called P.A.B It combines diffrent styles, but I still think ambient is where should place it since the ambient ranch is so darn wide. It'll be released befor the end of July, promise!! ______________________ Hellos and ThankUs travels to: Zepzi, ZeroGravity, Mr Frenzy, Little Elk, P.A.B, EnonImis, David (DWi''t something, get an easier nick man ;) ) Jenny E (my best friend ever, just wanted u to know that) Emil I, Karl L, Martin and the rest of Gaia, Awesome, ZoB, Justin Owens, DeepJ, Opinash.. could go on for ever.. Some facts about this track: length: 4m 17s released: 7/7 -99 UnRem. title: Dreaming and now... ME!!! **Sandman** I'm born in Kalmar, Swe, and I've been tracking for.. almost three whole years now (!!). But It took me almost 2 and a half to get some how good at it. But luckely, I love it so I WILL remain in the scene for a long time!!! If u wanna come in contact with me, maybe u want to use any of my tracks in ur uhm.. missed this spot productions? Just mail me and we'll talk about it! tobb80_hotmail.com But also icq is fine! number: 19913843 Don't worry be happy ;) /Sandman ────────────────────── sampled by AKA sweep Sampled by SanDmaN (my own voice) tobb80_hotmail.com icq: 19913843 -- drunken1.xi -- -- drunken2.xi --
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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