Initial -> ReJeCT <- (initial_-_reject_-.xm)
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#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_# ( Initial ) # -> ReJeCT <- # (By: ROotUS 'n' TiM ) #_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_# MoST SaMPLeS RiPPeD FRoM eVeRY WHeRe!!!!!! TiM MoYLe DiD THe PiaNo BiT, aNd SoMe oF THe BeaT... THeN i SPeNT THe LaST CouPLe oF DaYs WoRKiNG oN THe ReST of iT. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* iT'S a SoNG aBouT a BoRN DuMB KiD (ReTaRDeD) WHo iS CoMiNG To TeRMS WiTH HiS ReTaRDNeSS aND iS BeGiNNiNG To FeeL LoST iN THe ReaL WoRLD. WHeRe No-oNe GiVeS HiM a CHaNCe To EXPLaiN HiMSeLf. THiNKiNG THaT SuiCiDe WiLL Do eVeRYoNe a FaVoR... He PLaYS WiTH a KNiFE. SLoWLY DRaGGiNG THe KNiFe ALoNG HiS WRiST... FeeLiNG THe PaiN He DiSCoVeRS HiS DeSTiNY, THe MeaNiNg Of LiFe... eVeRYoNeS GoT iT DiFFeReNT... BeiNG DuMB MiGHT NoT Be All THaT BaD... "I CaN Do BaD THiNGS AnD BLaMe iT oN MY DiSSaBiLiTY" He THiNKS To HiMSeLF. "aND PeoPLe WiTHouT ProBLeMS... i CaN MaKe THeiR LiFe HeLL aND GeT aWaY WiTH iT." PHiLLiP GRaBS a ToWeL aND WRaPS iT RouND HiS WRiST... BuT PuT'S THe KNiFe iN HiS BaCK PoCKeT. :> rootus_vic.ozland NoName NoName NoName sd1 clap1 Baz
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