ReJeCT3 - the finish (reject3_-_the_finish.xm)
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<<><>><><<><>><><<><>> Initial -> ReJeCT <-3 the finish <<><>><><<><>><><<><>> ---------------------- Composer: ROotUS This is the Second remix of my song, "Initial -->Reject<--" The first remix "The Rebirth" was done by a fella in our group L.E.S.S. Music Productions Of which I am a proud member of. You really need to get the first two songs to understand the story in this one. oK, PHiLLiP, THe ReTaRDeD KiD, HiS oRGiNaZaToiN FoR oTHeR ReTaRDeD ReTaRDeD PeoPLe GoeS DoWN THe TuBe, BeCauSe NoBoDY CouLD GiVe a SHiT aBouT THe ReTaRDS. He GRaBS HiS KNiFe aGaiN aND ReMeMBeRS THe LaST TiMe He WeNT To KiLL HiMSeLF, aND DRoPPeD iT. PHiLLiP BeGiNS SeLLiNG HiS PeRSoNaL aSSeTS aND BeGiNS To eXPeRiMeNT WiTH DRuGS. He eNJoYS HiS NeW LiFeSTYLe FoR a FeW WeeKS, uNTiL HiS MoNeY aND aSSeTS aRe aLL RuN DRY. PHiLLiP BeiNG uNCaPaBLe oF STeaLiNG To SuPPoRT HiS aDDiCTioN, HoW LiTTLe FuTuRe THeRe iS LeFT iN THiS WoRLD FoR HiM, aND BeGiNS WaLKiNG... ALoNG a RoaD THaT WiLL DeCiDe His FaTe. PHiLLiP DiDN'T KNiW WHeRe He WaS GoiNG, He LeFT THaT uP To THe RoaD To DeCiDe. AFTeR HaLF a DaY oF WaLKiNG, PHiLLiP CoMeS To a BeaCH, WHeRe He LaY aND THiNK a WHiLE JuST oN THe eDGe oF THe WaTeR. He ReCaLLS HiS WHoLe LiFe iN a MaTTeR oF MiNuTeS, aS THe TiDe TooK THe HoNoRS oF ReLeaSiNG HiS ToRTuReD SouL. rootus_vic.ozland. Bloo2f.wav
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This is one of those songs that I really feel should have lyrics.