Adrift with You (adrift_with_you.xm)
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-=Adrift with You=- Composed by: \III/ \ / I I\ /\ / / /\ \III/ \ I I\ \/ \ \ \/ S C I R O C C O 16 November 1995 I stayed home sick today and composed this tune. Took me all of five or six hours. Pleasant way to spend a cold, rainy day. --------------------- All sounds sampled, created, and/or preformed by Scirocco unless otherwise noted ---------------------- Like what you hear? I will compose fully customized music for your demo, game, etc. Email for info: -or- Check out my www page: /**igl2670 **=Tilde Symbol FT2 doesn't support this character i guess Greets: ParticleX Nagroth Zoltan Lanfear Diablo Snowman BeauH 8bit Bright Piano A B (Scirocco) C D E F G H I J K L M O Chord A (Rubik) Chord B (Rubik) Chord C (Rubik) Chord D (Rubik) Bass Guitar (Purple Motion) Drum Loop 1 (Scirocco) Blast Echo Crash (Scirocco) Vox A (Scirocco) Vox B (Ripped from ?) Congo Kit A B (Scirocco) C D Drum Loop 2 (Scirocco) Violins (GUS) Vox 3 (Scirocco) Vox4 (Scirocco) Vox 5 (Scirocco)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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