Hairy Furry (hairy_furry.xm)
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HAIRY FURRY tracked by Setec in March 1997 Copyright(c) 1997 Beyond Measure Made in two days, this tune is a bit weird. As usual I enjoy the ending...wonder if it is simply because that it is finished then..? Thanx to C64Lives for coming up with the song title...Who else could think of some- thing like that? :-) Hiya's also go out to Backstap/Red Five for providing me with feedback on some of my tunes and Bug for be- ing the first to down- load 'Sunflower' from our homepage... Well, there's no way around comes the greetings list... Greetz go to Animal,Cheyenne,Bug, Tin,Sadeyes,Corrina, Meridian,LoS,Whick, PWB,Lestat,Atreides, Zod Zaadje,Hawk,Tina, Hank,Gold,SpentPenny, Sunflower,C64Lives, LADY in RED and all those that I forgot to put here...You know who you are! :-) This song is copyright 1997 Beyond Measure. For further informati- on on the copyright, please read the info file included in the archive... To contact Setec e-mail the following address: Please let me know what you think of this tune... If you wanna visit the official (and only :-) Beyond Measure home- page you can do so at *http://www.geocities. com/SouthBeach/Marina /8614* You should be able to download some of my other tunes there, but since we have a 2mb- limit, I suggest you visit too at * /pub/demos/music* All of my releases should be available there, in case you want more of my work. I believe that I rip- rep all the samples from WAVE...Sorry, I hope it is okay... By the way, you are one hell of a musician I especialy enjoyed your 'Deadline'... Great work!!! :-) I promise I will buy a keyboard at summer- time when the bucks start rollin' in... Then I won't have to rip anyone else's sam- ples...Oh, by the way I am sorry about all the unused channels! Well, I hope you en- joyed this little pie- ce of music, and I hope to receive some comments from you! - - ---- - - This tune was tracked using FastTracker v2.0 By Vogue and Mr.H of Triton productions... I used my SoundBlaster 16 VE, and as usual all the samples were ripped...God, I hate being lame! Beyond Measure 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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