-) Manualbahn (- (manualbahn.xm)
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( - By: Sir Quarex - ) Defiance.Epinicion.TFX At first, this section explained why I went and used another .mod format besides my usual .MTM. . but now, this sampletext is going to say ONE thing and one thing only: THIS SONG IS 100% DEDICATED TO MY MAIN MAN SIRRUS, who I *always* 4get to greet when I do new songs. Maybe this will make him believe me when I say I mean to greet him :) Anyway, long story short, .XM fucking rules, and I don't think I'll do very many more .MTMs :> Now, a brief list of inspirations for this song: the Kraftwerk song "Autobahn". . . the Dark Throne song "The Pagan Winter", and my & Ranger Rick's "CarnivaL AciD HauS" Yes, these are kind of varied inspirations, but this represents the music I listen to most often :> This song sounds less like my usual style than any other 1 I've ever done. . but I'll fix that next time :) Greetz: all of Defiance, TFX, Epinicion, Rave. Personals: IorHadjiNecrosNemesis LeviathanMaelcumDiablo VanirBalrogBaseheadIms StalkerMajestyNormatic nah, I won't do any more in this bank :> OooOoOoOoh you found the SEKRIT MESSAGE.. if you find me on irc, mention this and win a free. . um. . somethin T0RG HATES YOU T0RG HATES T0RG TORG L0VES YOU TORG L0VES TORG Timpanithing HiHat Whabadda Wind o' Blowing Xenophobe Xybots Short Open Hat Distorted Laugh Bayezzz
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