r livex8 (r_livex8.xm)
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-> livE executionS <- a <cant think of a new name> composition finished 17/02/98 Running Time - 3:58 A new age progressive expressive rumble bucket constructed from the leftover rythms of the funkin' bass and groove. Commonly known as another one of my Fast Tracker tunes. As always, I want some comments so send them here... jesterhed_usa.net Also, no-one seems to be visiting my web site... why could that be? Probably 'cos no-one listens to my stuff but nevermind. If you do want to go and see what else i've made see... www.tryggs.force9.co .uk/rapture/ and bloody well sign the guestbook ok? Obviously everything here but the ripped samples are _ S.Tryggvason 98 (|--Samples From--|) RoniSize&SoulCoughing gAtoaZUL wHiTe ZoMbiE Various other tracker artists Hope you enjoy the tune.. . . . . .
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